My Idea of Love
A carton of cherry-limeade, and a
package of Reese’s–short one cup –
Lets go sit on a train and collect rust with our a**es.
Chase me up the driveway at zombie pace
Tickle me till I’m blue
And hold me close as we laugh and sway.
Night slowly falling outside, music blaring in the background
Our bodies close, and content.
Let’s share the perfect set of words through kiss.
Roll down the windows, and I’ll stick my head out.
The wind on my face, sweet smell of rain, the radio murmuring hushed tones.
Never had my head felt so clear.
Light painting us in the gloom,
Lets hold each other in a lovers embrace.
I’ll kiss your tired face, and stare into somber eyes
That whisper back,
“I don’t love you anymore.”
It’s never uttered –it doesn’t have to be
Because that is what love is.
Time lost
And memories you can never burn away.