This is for my hero
This is for my hero, the one who gave me a life and a purpose to fullfill.
This is for my hero, the one who saw me when everyone else was blind.
This is for my hero , the one who overlooked my sin and saw me for who I once was.
This is for my hero, the only one who was perfect enough to save me from my fate.
This is for my hero, the one who loved me enough to die in my place, the only one who did the
Impossible and overcame death.
I don't deserve my hero, I sometimes want to walk away from him, not for my own glory but because
I forget he is there. He never forgets me, He is always there and I love him. I look around and I wonder
Why people don't believe him and what he says because he could be their hero too.
I don't care what people think, My mind is made up God is my hero and that won't change.
So this is for my hero and I whole-heartedly dedicate it too him, because without him life wouldn't
Be worth it. So to my hero I say: I love you more then anything.