My form is fading.Yet
My form is fading.
Yet Time persists and
Substance lingers
on the tongue of the tiger—
withered by fire and
falling to its knees.
What I conceive
are minuscule ripples
on the leaves of
a generation’s unlocked
And from that,
the ripples grow into waves,
washing away Truth and
Time and
all those tantalizing
tremors that haunted a people. . .
until Silence rang.
And forth came the Sun,
calling to the Moon
and the spirits
and the Heavens,
for its echoes to be heard,
for its rays to be cast,
for the ripples and the waves
to become whirlpools
and for the whirlpools
to leave emptiness in the wake of sustenance,
and eternity in the wake of nothingness.
Who am I?
A fleeting form?
Lasting flesh?
An unrealized dream on the shores
of a realm unknown?
Am I a puppet—a mere pawn
in the checkerboard of ever-advancing
kings and queens?
Or am I a vessel?
Is this a capsule in which I
breathe? In which I speak? In which I write?
Is this a pathway to find
a light that cannot be found,
but which can only not be found
due to the unfoundedness of my mind?
Am I a man who dreamt of being a butterfly,
or am I a butterfly dreaming that I am a man?*
I have found
that I am the horizon.
I am the shore and the
I am comprised of yin and yang—
a compromise of all things dual—
yet there is a oneness to my being
which cannot be put down
in words.
*Zhuangzi (circa 260 BCE)