My Favorite Story
There's an island between two rivers
where horses pull wagons and people quiver
where breezes make plant life shiver
where reepers hear a joyful whisper
And the city called Camelot
There are four walls and four towers
surrounded by various flowers
and farmers hear singing for hours
On the island of Shalott.
With bright and happy colors she knits
and on a chair facing a mirror she waits and sits
and upon her is something terrible she must admit
a horrible curse that will make her quit.
On the outskirts of Camelot
All day she looks at the glass
and she see's many people on the road pass
depressed and lonely as she see's grass
On the island of Shalott.
A knight comes in sight
She looks at his sword with all might
she describes his helmet and armour overnight
she heard him singing that night
Near the city called Camelot
SHe watched the sun a little after it set
her mirror cracked signs of a threat
her life in the tower she will soon forget
All due to Sir Lancelot
The weather got bad quickly
she knew going to the city was risky
she layed in the boat guilty
the water took her away swiftly
To the city called Camelot
To the city she cried
singing her last song before she slowly died
washed up to the city in a tide
The lady of Shalott