To My Exe's, With Love
1) I may be cheating by counting you. Romance doesn't mean much in
the seventh grade. We held hands once during a bus ride, your palms
were sweaty. I didn't mind.
2) I sure do get lonely on field trips. In the dark, you were more
of a man.
3) You were always important. I don't know why, but you were.
I remember how you broke me like a well earned battle scar. Like
I hoped for it.
4) One summer together. 100 cigarrete butts line my memories of you.
We could never tell who had more scars. We wore them like medals.
Like the showed our power against the deamons we created
5) I will always be your mothers favorite. Cheaters never win
I hope she was worth it.
6) Something about summer seems to make me self destructive.
You knew me at my most bitter. The nights I hung out my bedroom
window with one hand on a Marborol Red and one on a razor blade