My Everlasting Gratitude
I am from A, B and C,
three innocent people
whose lives were stolen
before life could be given to them.
I am from three personalities
that have not,
and will not,
ever be known.
I am from an infection,
ignorant of its consequences.
I am from an infection,
that gave her no mercy.
I am from the unknown,
the flicker of hope,
and the inevitable disappointment
that would seep into the hearts
of a helpless couple.
I am from a sterile,
clean, colorless room,
interrupted by anguish
and steaked with denial.
I am from Sandy Creek Cemetery.
I am from tiger lilies
and Christmas wreaths;
from simple, ordinary items
used to bring a home
to the eternal homeless.
I am from a devastated mother
who had courage to try again.