My Dearest... Break Now
Gazing through the gray window pane
everything becomes distant…
your face
dances like monochrome frames
and laughter,
as well as
become little more
apparitions within my mind.
But gazing through the gray window pane,
does little to bring you back
to me.
my mind lingers within a deep fog
of semi chaos, and inebriation…
I'm drunk
because I want to remember.
How warm you were
as you touched my porcelain waist,
and told
I was your precious sun.
Radiant, and strong.
we all know
that the only reason why I shined
was because
I was
a crystal sucking up your warmth,
and intensity.
Yes, gazing through the window pane,
made you leave,
made me sick…
but, for once in my life I was happy
to know that'd you'd never say goodbye.
I was happy to know that
with each moment
I kept
my cheek pressed firmly against the glass
you'd still be there for me.
Thus, I became drunk
the cinematic slides
that kept
playing brokenly
upon the sepia screen.
enveloped me in
debilitating frost…
but, like I said,
I enjoy the
I enjoy you,
and the memories of us
laying like two flowers
within a still ocean….
limitless blanket of star.
So, without regret, gazing through the gray window pane
I'll remain
in a cold drunk haze…
with only one regret.
I wish I could've said I love you.