My Country
My Country 'Tis Of Thee
Sweet land of poverty
For Thee I weep.
Land where the innocent died,
Land where we lost our pride,
From cityscape to countryside
Let freedom ring.
My native country, thee
Land where we should be free
To live and love.
Our pres, how hard he tries,
To shield us from the lies,
Praying to be more wise,
Like those before.
Let music swell the breeze
From what's left of our trees
Look past the smog.
Clean out your minerals
Fill you with chemicals
Kill off our animals
'Till nothing's real.
Our people left to die
Creating foreign ties
Peace turned to war.
Our realization that
These desecrations
Only create seperation
Means we must change.
All helpers represent
Remind those who forget
The time is now.
We shall now all abide
To walk in humble pride.
We're all on each other's side
Make love not war.
My Country 'Tis of Thee
Sweet land of opportunity
With Thee I stand.
Land where we, deep inside,
Can feel a sense of pride
Sadness and Adversity died
This day will come.