To My Childhood
Dear childhood,
You were so good to me. I wish I could go back and ejoy the Saturdays spent watching Nickoledeon with my siblings. I wish I could go back to every nap I have skipped. I wish I could go back to not knowing the true threats and danger we are under on a daily basis. I have become separated more and more from you as time went on, but now I am eighteen, and we are strangers. I am now able to be tried by full extent of the law, and am subject to taxes, and debt, and work. I have to support myself now and am not reliant on my parents. My Saturday is now spent watching the news in worry of our President's actions. Sleep is nonexsistent, and naps have become my sole source of rest. I know the true extent of the horrors and pain of the world. Now I welcome adulthood in your place, and hope you are able to treat others as you were good to me.