My Autistic Brother
The smiles he gives
Are the greatest things to see
In his heart
I know theres a place for me.
Tallness takes over
With big feet at the bottom
He's a white tan
Like cool fall leaves in Autumn.
The curls that bounce
As he trottily runs
Are like the fresh slinkies
That are first undone.
He loves to laugh
While looking in the mirror
If only we could know what he's thinking
A lot more clearer.
He's the smartest little thing
Even though it might not show
When no one is around
He's sure of what to do, I know.
Stuck to a special diet
But does his best to avoid it
Cookies chips and brownies
Are surely his biggest targets.
When not pleased
He throws the biggest tantrums
With screams that pierce
Like a high pitched phantom.
Says not a word
But laughs as if somethings there
In his mind maybe
But to me it's just thin air.
I feel bad for him
But then again i do not
God made him for a reason
He is a blessing that we pay attention to a lot.
He's very different
I love him more than any other
Xavier Alexander Garcia
My Autistic Brother.