My Angel
Come visit me in my dreams one day
You might as well be a world away
Angel, Angel, why did you have to go
I'll set the sky on fire just for you
see the flames and think of me
I'll thing of you
The night is light blue and I'm all alone
these four walls aren't a home
since you left I've been a shell
I don't sleep at night so I watch thesun rise
The green up there matches your eyes
the orange in the sky looks like your hair
Angel are you watching the sky too?
The clouds are pretty and perfect just like you
looks like I'm gonna wast another day
Every time I blink I see your face
Maybe thats why I'm always awake
Look her comes the stars
One two three four five six seven eight
nine billion stars, ain't they great?
Look up my Angel, it's the man in the moon
He's looking at both me and you
So tonight when I try and fall asleep
Angel, Angel, fly to me on the wings of dreams