Musical Understanding
I may be the loneliest person in the world;
Maybe I identify more with the dead than the living.
Even so, some small sliver of happiness still remains,
Just as long as someone understands me…
How is it that a series of notes played in progression
Can move me so much as to tears of sadness and happiness?
Chords that hit the eardrum mean so much to me
Because the person behind them understands me.
It’s amazing how people I never knew and will never know
Affect me more than anyone I’ve ever met in my entire life.
Perhaps it’s just me, but I refuse to believe that; music is so beloved
Because it gives us that feeling that someone understands.
Understands my pain
Understands my longing
Understands my loneliness
Understands my happiness
Understands my language
Understands my smile
But why does understanding equal happiness?
And why do we always want the acceptance of others?
Because it makes us feel like we belong, and
Because we feel like we have a place in this world.