Mr. Coward
Jan 29, 2013
"Mr. Coward"
You're Mr. coward!!!
If you can't look another man in his eyes and say How You Really Feel
You're Mr. Coward!!!
If you put your hands on a woman to let her feel How You Really Feel
You're Mr. Coward!!!
If you think a gun will give you more power!!!
You're Mr. Coward!!!
If you think about vengeance every hour!!!
You're Mr. Coward if you contemplate
Murder Suicide Mr. Coward Do or die
that's the only kind I hate
But wait Mr. Coward you have a date
Your presence is presently waiting at the unholy gates
So let me skate from that topic
I know that God got it
And I cannot wait to meet the little ones in heaven
That died at the age of seven
And express the care that their peers
And Parents would express if they were still here
My only fear is that the devil is still lurking near
Ready to take over whomever will lend an Ear
But God will come and bring all his children near
And that fact disperses all of my false fears
So Mr. Coward we were made equal
But Mr. Coward you chose to be evil
Good day and good luck Mr. Coward
Your kind has no sequel
Guide that inspired this poem: