Mountains in the Clouds
Sometimes at night as the sun is setting,
Falling below the hills like an old balloon,
I see them. Mountains in the sky
Ominous mounds of magic or cloud
Could be earth or maybe something more
Locked in a place between day and night
A challenge, beckoning me to climb
To reach the top and look down
But then they’re gone, blown away
By a current in the breeze
A secret agent hiding a top secret world
Perhaps a place where I won’t be as sad
I don’t even know why I’m sad these days
Like a lightbulb went out in my brain
And the repairman or lady is on vacation
Maybe it can’t be repaired at all
Maybe it’s all too implausible
Perhaps asking to be happy is too much
Like my happiness is a mist meant to
blows away like mountains in the clouds