Mother Bird
For the time has come,
I am to leave the nest that once
was created by Mother Bird.
Ready to take on the world
And unaware of what is to come.
I know nothing.
Even my love for travel
could not prepare me for this
New adventure.
I am to study my one true love.
I am to use this passion to help
The world evolve into a better
Version of itself.
I am to travel the world,
Seeking health, happiness,
And cure for the sick and hopeless.
To seek a brighter day
for those lost in the dark.
I am their light in shining armour.
I am to love and smile
For the opportunities in my path.
For the gift of intelligence in my brain.
For the gift of kindness in my heart.
And I am to be grateful
Because I know I would
Be flightless without
Mother Bird’s nurtured nest.