I wish somebody knew me
But nobody knows me
And it’s my fault
I push away
To be safe
Being alone
Is safer than being
With others, others who
Will hurt you. And use you.
But using isn’t all that bad
It can even be fulfilling
It can make you feel
Grown, happy, full
For me it’s not
Working, tho
It just hurts
I wish it
But it do
And I don’t
Know what to
Do. It hurts to be
With you and it hurts
To be alone. Why can’t
I feel happy? Why is life so
Hard? It’s not even that hard!
It’s easy! Just follow the rules, and
Keep your head down and you’ll be fine
Instead I want things to be better and
It hurts that things aren’t. So now I
Am sad. And depressed. Forget
It. Why bother trying to change
Things? Change won’t help
People feel safe or loved
Or needed or alive. It
Just complicated life
And makes the day
Long for no need
I wish it didn’t
But it does
I don’t no
What to
Do ab
I w
Ant t
O help
But i don
‘T know ho
W. This look
S dramatic doe
N’t it? Splitting up
The letters and the s
Entences like this. It’s
Scary to look at. It makes
Me seem depressed. But hey
That’s what I’m going for here.