Poems from thespianicloser

Hey! I'm using this site as a way to edit my poems and get feedback. Any comment/advice would be much appreciated! I'm new to writing poetry and editing, so I need as much help as I can get.
I am nothing like you want me to be
I am not smart
I am not funny
I am not strong
I will never be what you want me to be
Instead of...
“Why do you think you’re not a craftsman?”
I don’t make perfect things
Or things that others appreciate
Or things that serve a purpose
It’s bright today
Warm too
It doesn’t match my brain
My brain is rough
And frantic
It’s warm with all the action
And this heat
Is making...
Sorry my sorrow is the longest surah to skim
I’d sacrifice this sadness to start over for your sake
I know this scares you
But this sadness...
Maybe this is a mistake but
Lately I’ve been feeling
Emotions I’ve never felt before and I’m
Scared. Sorry.
I don’t want to think about...