The Monster That Rules My Mind
I know it,oh how I know it.
He keeps me up at night,I never rest not one bit.
I feel it in my brain
All rationality goes down the drain
I’m tired
OCD is a monster,he will not leave me alone
Until he devours me,leaves nothing but bones
Death and sadness and the unknown
My head is his throne
“They don’t love you”
“You’re a waste of space”
“After you die,they’ll forget your face”
“Your existamse doesn’t mean anything to the universe”
“Your just smoke,your here for a time then disappear into the air”
“Oh monster,your no fair”
“And your not good enough,now bow down!This is my lair”.
I obey.
But secretly I want my power back
I want to be sitting on that chair
I want to say no
Im not a failure
I want to break free
No more darkness
So I say,”Hey monster guess what”
“I finally found what you’re afraid of”
”Nonsense,”He says,”there’s not a thing below or above.”
“You’re a liar”
”What you say isn’t true,none of it, I am more than what you say I am”
”I am able to do anything,I can,I can!”
”So listen here liar”
“You’re scared of the light”
“And guess what,I am the fire.”