Moments Unknown
Just as that moment of bliss
Found first thing in the morning -
Before reality breaks over the mind -
Soothes closed eyes and
Barely stirring spirits,
So childhood comforts
Bones that know not what
Their day will bring
Childhood seems to be such
A small moment,
And yet,
It is all I have known
Behind me lies shelter and
A constant security,
While, ahead of me,
Ignorant dreams run
Blindly along a path of youth
In leaps of anticipation
And faith
As this childhood
Wastes away and decays
From my life with
That same speed and
That same hesitance that
It first possessed when it
Was planted,
I seem to discover the flavor
Is far more sweet than bitter
But somehow, as I burn through
Layers of life in search
For a new tomorrow,
I forget that
I am burning through
More than just days;
And as I am beginning to
Chase future worlds,
Perhaps I need to remember that
Chasing can sometimes
Look a whole lot like
Running away
For me, the future
Remains foreign,
Though not unkind,
But how is it for you
Who first imagined
This childhood before
It ever began
How is it for you
Who dreamed of
Red hair and freckles
Before these blue eyes ever
Blinked away the tears of day
And how is it for you
Who have helped to build
The world I now
Fight to keep
From your reach,
Hidden among laughter,
Doors, and teenage behaviors
For you
Who have prayed relentlessly
For peace in the path yet
To be paved by this
Delicately headstrong attitude
Of mine that still
Hasn't learned when to stop
Its tongue from setting
Opinions ablaze
How does my future
Feel to you
Selfishly I have danced
Through your home
Without ever considering the
Sacrifices made to create
The very music I dance to
And now, having stopped,
I find only the power
To offer up a meager
'Thank you'
For all you have done -
Both known and unknown -
To paint the structure
Along which I have grown
And for all the times
You will
Push me to grow,
Even when all other words
Will tempt me to settle
Just as that moment of bliss
Found first thing in the morning -
Before reality breaks over the mind -
Soothes closed eyes and
Barely stirring spirits,
So this childhood so graciously
Given to me comforts
These bones that still know not
What their day will bring
And for this, I thank you