Moment of Glory
My heart is racing fast,
My adrenaline is singing.
The wind is tearing at me,
To my horse I'm clinging.
The crowd is cheering us on.
From the grand-stands they watch,
A single-minded creature;
We kick it up a notch.
Rounding the next barrel;
That's a sight to behold.
The crowd's going crazy,
As we're racing for the gold
My dream is playing out,
My knuckles are turning white.
This creature is racing on;
The reigns I'm gripping tight.
Sixteen seconds out there;
Three wooden barrels rounded;
Both horse and rider spent;
The crowd is astounded.
The joy is contagious,
Spreading through me like a fire.
Bliss is showing in our step,
As I lift our trophy higher.