A Moment Behind The Desks
The scenery around us is full of perfume and desperation.
Individuals enter the school halls with hidden feelings and failing fears.
Make shift masks are our uniforms.
There are those who have true feelings and absorb day to day lessons without a second thought.
I don't blame them.
I would rather do things of my bias likes then sit and read senteces that are out of date.
That's what is expected of us right?
To sit normaly, smiling, taking in usless number and formulas?
To take notes and read them over and over and over and over again until thats all we see?
Till our hands crack and break?
Yet that's not the only thing we see; there are lies that suffucate the hallways and rumers that hold their place in various tongues.
Shredding a person's hope of love, happiness and fate.
That's lurks behind the desks.
Teachers are sometimes oblivious to this, even if told, they have no idea what time has done.
Such difference in periodic times wheather it be from the class of 1952 to the class of 2014.
Time changes and nests itself in highschool.
Movies and telivision shows base their plots off of this place.
Most of them unrelatable.
Hardley any of them relatable.
What happends behind the desks are moments that engrave themselves into the graudating class and the retired teachers that leave forever.