Mom, why don't you love me?
Mom why do you treat me different?
I’m so confused,
I’m the one that helps you
Not to say I’m self entitled to your love but rather genuinely confused
. . . and hurt
You yelled at me for not cleaning right, but look around . . .
Mom I’m the only one that’s here
I help you every morning and every night
. . . they never help . . .
I asked you this morning for a reason
You said you were confused
“I love you all equally” you said
But those words just aren’t true
Unlike them . . .
I don’t have a phone, and I don’t have a TV
I don’t have my own sole room, neither your affection
I don’t ask for money, neither do I keep it
Birthday money from my cousins are yours to keep I don’t mind
Tell me you’ll pay me back but I never ask for it back, it’s fine
Once again, I don’t mind
But this just proves my love, where’s yours?
Mom I’m so confused and hurt
You tell me I take things too personal but is this true?
I question my sanity and my rationality
When I tell others they say I’m right
When I tell you, you say I’m wrong
Mom why don’t you love me?