Mirror, Mirror
When I looked into the mirror,
I knew I saw what others saw.
Blemishes across my chin,
Crooked teeth, mousy hair and a sideways smile.
I knew I wasn't beautiful or pretty or even just cute.
I spent hours and hours in front of that mirror,
Pleading for it to show a better me.
A me that didn't exist,
With spotless skin,
Perfect teeth, flowing hair and a stunning smile
She'd grin at me from the glass,
And I'd be happy to know that others
Could look at me with admiration.
Because everybody loves beauty.
But that's not me.
I stopped trying to become that version of me,
And went out in hopes that somebody, anybody,
Would accept me for what I am.
And I discovered something important.
When I'm not looking in the mirror,
I forget my flaws.
I forget my skin, my hair, my teeth,
And I remember me.
I am not just a physical being,
Forced toward standards I can never meet.
I am a mind, a soul, a spirit.
When I leave my reflection behind
I set myself free.
My mirror cannot hold me back anymore.
It can never show me who I really am.