Minimum Incarceration
I read a book that said,
There is one kind of prison where you are inside,
and the things you want are outside,
There is another kind of prison where you are outside,
and the things you want are inside.
Will you accept the call?
My brother called me again,
He's not my brother but I call him that because we were closer than kin,
He's confined to four walls for crimes that he didn't commit,
Or at least that's my story if you let me tell it.
Do you remember when we rolled through the city,
In a jeep with no doors and felt like we could touch the stars,
There was so much freedom in America,
When we had a black president.
Will you accept the call?
I have to go I have class,
All we do is talk about the past,
And honestly I'm tired of reminiscing on our slavery,
Even though you are still in chains.
It's hard for me to tell the truth,
This country doesn't have a place for you,
Law & Order is not going to let you provide for your daughter,
Even though white collar criminals continue to lead lambs to the slaughter,
And what's the difference between you and them?
Look no further than your black skin,
America treats melanin like original sin,
Prison has been saving you a seat since you were ten,
Will you accept the call?
No, I don't have time to talk,
Talking about it only makes me mad or makes me sad,
This country needs more leaders and less prisoners,
The time is now for action and the only question is,
Will you accept the call?