Milky Eggs
Loosely, I stare
At the shriveled man before me
I wonder how it is people stay so put together
I smile, softly
He barely moves
So instead, I move
I kiss his cheek, and I hold his hand
I remember he taught me how to make scrambeled eggs
With warm milk mixed in with every wistful bite
I remember how he used to pick me up from school
A smoky cigar often accompanying his lips
Ready to go
And then I remember
I've always loved the smell of cigars because I've always loved you
Why do you look so happy in so much pain?
And yet so
There are so many things to thank you for
But it is this gratefulness that I am most sorrowful
Happiness, tangled with the striking rays of absence -
Absence of health,
Absence of youth -
Dribbles down cordially into your grin
Forgive me,
Forgive me.