A Messy Humanity! Where's God?
A Messy Humanity! Where's God?
The human life is a mess
Lustin', gluttons, overstressed
Whips, pimps, Mary J.
Seein' shrinks cause we depressed
Single father dealin' coke to purchase his toddler's clothes
Observers shake their heads and say, “Sometimes that's how life goes”
Prostitution, terrorism, abortion and suicides
That one nation under God...He ain't no longer glorified
Like a lamb led to the slaughter, and a sheep before its sheers
Our God sheered of dignity, condemned, stripped naked and speared
Crucified by His creation savin' all humanity
Opened up the gates of Heaven
And birthed Christianity
God the Father said, “Hang in there son, hang on that cross
Cause many of Our sheep, Our people, Our children are lost”
Jesus said, “Father, not My will but Your will be done.”
Father said, “I am very pleased, well pleased with You Son.”
It's bout' dat time to wake up, quit sinin' and let go
Jesus rejected for your sins
What else does He have to show
The bible says, “Where your heart is there your treasure lies”
Some hearts are super-sized in large chilli cheese fries
Store treasures in heavenly houses laden with snow
Not rage, greed, sloth or your self-righteous ego
Jesus says, follow Me, call on Me, you'll be ok
You said, “Nah, I've got liquor, muh good ol' alize
God says, seek the land, flowin' with milk and honey
Satan says, seek the land flowin' with power and money
The Mighty Counselor was scourged, flogged, scorn, and torn
Spilled blood down Calvary, for those addicted to porn
The parables say, “The harvest is rich but the laborers are few.”
The pastor's preachin' the Good News but few are sittin in the pews
All ya wannabes, posers, and shoulda, woulda, couldas
Christ's plan for you is yours, and ain't the plan he had for Judah
Be easy, don't front, drop who you think you are
Who you are won't be made clear in a shiny sports car
You know that ladder, foolish ladder, fake ladder to success
Up top's, a couple mill, and a land of nothingness
Skippin church, workin shifts, makin' Bens, all for what
Your house made of sticks
In one sec, can soak in a flood
We're all slaves to stuff and recognition
Gettin' rich; love with conditions
Takin' grudges down down to the grave
“It's my way or the highway”
Nobody's perfect.
Shoot I know, but we got a chance to be
Cause Jesus died and modeled perfection for all humanity
There ain't no time to keep sinin'
and livin' the way you do
So repent, hang on God, start livin' the plans He's got for you!