Sometimes the world is too much for me
Far too often, as of late
No one thing is too heavy on its own
Rather I bow beneath the collective weight
Of all the world is
Of all it does
Realities shouting out too bright and loud
As if in compensation
For all the realities that are too dark
And far, far too silent
The whole is not dark, nor is the whole light
It is merely my sudden realization of
The existence of the whole
That weighs and wears on me
I know this is just a temporary state
I know the future will be a beautiful thing
That even with its countless flaws, this present is beautiful too
I know that I am stronger than I allow myself to be
And I like to think that listing what I know can help me
To manage what I do not know
But sometimes
Sometimes I wish
The flashy, raucous, beautiful world
Would, if only once,
If only for a single moment
Have mercy on one heavy head
And let me take a breath