My family is constantly asking,
How many girls,
And how many boys,
I plan on having when I’m older and married.
Because, of course,
As a female of our species,
I’m expected to settle down and procreate with a man.
And I’m too young to know,
Or to rule out the possibility of marriage or children.
And in a weird round about way,
They’re right.
I lied.
I do plan on getting married and having children.
But man,
Is heteronormativity a blinder.
In truth,
I hope me and my future wife,
Make a collaborative decision as equals,
As to raise a child.
And if we do,
And we get to choose the name,
And it’s a girl,
I will insist she is named Mercy,
After the most beautiful word in the English language,
And in hope,
She will remember that word,
In a world that has forgotten it.