Mental Illness: Change the Treatment
Closed minds
and uninformed opinions
Not facts
or trying to understand
What is an illness?
Is it just physical?
or mental too?
Closed minds
and uninformed opinions
Do not treat mental illness the same
the same as a physical illness
Change the way of thinking
the frame of mind
Look beyond
Be informed
Depression is more than sadness
Anxiety disorder is more than nervousness
Selective mutism is more than just not wanting to talk
The mentally ill do not choose to be they way they are
An imbalance in the brain
causes so much confusion
The mentally ill can not simply stop
having depression,
or anxiety,
or being mute
Change the way of thinking
the frame of mind
Illness is not only physical
but mental too
We need to treat mental illness
in all seriousness
For its damaging effects
may catch up to us all
Change the closed minds
inform those who do not try to understand
Give facts
Attempt to change their views