memoirs of a batter person (not me)
Many tearful rages with anger and overwhelming events that has lead to
The distinguish frenziness of a person with a battered soul
eyes are freezing cold and heart shivers with no warmth towards everyone
Even towards the ones that actually accepted this person and see past one's tainted ways
So many have done so wrong that one's judgment is clouded with confusion and distraught
life turning upside down and on the edge to fall off the cliff
heart beats pauses as if that was all life have to offer
Sick to the stomach from nonsense, but never vomiited out of disgust
Head on a one way lane & yells fuck the world
Because as soon as one cares for people, they must think that person has a sign that said moron in the forehead
Life in one's eyes is like a unpleasant box of chocolates with a shattered glass of defeat,
A constant battle with the reflection of hatred and love will never be planted because the seeds are already dead
Silence speaks the mind and shopping for the latest gadgets the cure
Hatred is the fuel that left the heart in vengeance
Trying to get close to her is like saying a bullet won't penetrate to one's chest
If your not speaking the language of money, your presence is not needed
the weed keeps everything calm because emotions have an explosive ending
hennessey keeps one going because feelings are numb
this person knows one can do better, but have an indifferent grudge towards everything at sight
Thats all you need to know, no need for closure
Nightmares on one's street and freddy don't even exist
Fear isn’t around but insane is one's best friend.
Berry smelling kisses looking for a new mate in the wind,
But they’ll never know how hard it is until they try to please a batter person
Guide that inspired this poem: