Melanin Connection
What is the connection
When around the melanin
Feels electric
i feel his pain though he does not speak
i feel her envy though she smiles sweet
eye contact, thinks im into him sexually
as he say "hey sexy"
People my age
seem to know eachother
clique. clique. clique.
braids extensions, yarn, and septum rings
bleach blonde, afrikan prints
she more natural than her than she comparisons
he sex all the dummies
skateboards hit pavement
sheabutter nag champa
malcolm x jfk martin luther king michael jackson beyonce jay z kanye kim kardashian fela kuti roll the toungue
ginger beer sorrel sea moss drink $3
Want to feel the release
of love
instead rains a woman, her hugs comes with Jesus choir
feels ingenuine, like Boradway tired
Man speaks of ancestors wearing a dashiki
of santeria with incense
stones selling for $15
his flirting eyes contradicts wise words he's speaking
call me sister , daughter , as he desire youth flesh, as well as
inside my wallet
next one sells soaps
another books
surrounded by melanin
inquisitive looks
no hello
just hey sister like your fro
physical admiration they seem to know
gift of the gab folks have!
see an older man
preaching hate towards "the white people" as if everyone is so separate
do you know who is in your bloodline 500 years ago?
i wonder, does this really matter?
the human race is so complex
i hear the same thing, it hurts i have to go
to take and pretend to know sell it as
a show
marketplace melanin
leaving the place with mixed feelings