This is Me and what Makes Me Happy
I started college at seventeen
Not on a whim, on a dream
To show the world who I wanted to be
I was looking for something, something more
Something to show for myself, which could not be ignored
Something that no one could take away
So I found college, and it found me
And I continue to seek my degree
First an Associate’s then maybe a Bachelor’s
Doctor of Pharmacy is the main goal
A great career to sate my soul
Two years now, working on three, with about seven more to go
But nothing has stopped me and I pursue on,
For this is the path which I am set upon,
I have faced many challenges, that is no lie
I have faced many others who had their doubts about me
They’ve said I could not do it but I disagree
Although it is harder than I ever could have imagined
So I just keep proving them wrong
Showing them this is where I am at and this is where I belong
My parents, though, have always supported
They have taught me well and I wish to show it
For all that they have done has been for my benefit
They are so proud and that makes me happy
But they understand that this is also for me
And know that I have many reasons for pharmacy
A great career? Yes. money? Sure, but there is much more
For with this career, I will seek a life
I know it will be worth all of the strife
I am willing to fight for it and so I do
This career will provide me with opportunity
The ability to explore what makes me happy
My heritage, travel, languages, experiencing cultures, martial arts, and dance
And many other interests in the palms of my hands
I have so many plans
But to do so my career must be the first on this long, long list
Dreams of this career and the future it will provide me
Aren’t that far, not a complete fantasy
For the future is bright and that makes me happy.
To give back to others is another strong motivation
And to see my parents be there for my graduation
To help to pay off their house, in case something happens,
My siblings have almost all gone, and I am what is left
The baby of the family to carry a burdens heft
I am the best one for this position, though, this is true.
I love to be able to help others
Help people like my three older brothers
They all have jobs, children, or wives.
But we all help each other as best as we can
And I love that about us, we are a tightly knit clan
A good family, and that is what makes me happy
These are all things that go into who I am
And the reasons to why I work hard at every exam
I do it for me, and I do it for them
I crave a life with stability, contentment, and success
I work to do more while others do less
This is who I am
This is who I have become lately
This is what makes me, me
This is me and that is what makes me happy