This Is Me
She is a Plain Jane
Her face seems like its anger
But in reality she's open and a free spirit
When she smiles people are awed from the radiance given from it
She rarely smiles
Her emotions are usually hidden
She loves to see the happiness on others faces
That is the only way she can be happy.
Determination is part of her
If she puts her mind to it she is unstoppable
Her obstacles are very large to over come
But they will not stop her
Jumping over them like it was just a small puddle
Nothing with stop her
Her hair is blonde
But she is not a dumb blonde
She tries her best in school
She is a perfectionist
Living life to the fullest is never a no
I shall always follow this motto
Marching to the beat of my own drum
I will not be held back
I will not look back
This is me.