Math Teacher, Sass Preacher
He walks across the room waving his ruler in the air
doesn't he know that half the class doesn't even care?
He acts like he's so ahead of us
oh dear teacher, you're about as useful as pizza crust.
Students ask you questions,
but you act like they're asking for twitter mentions.
It's math class
there's no need to be so full of sass.
It's not that hard
to read my name off a notecard.
So when you ask me to solve a problem and I can't
don't smile like you're on a commercial for Rembrandt.
And when you sigh
it doesn't make me want to hide in a corner and die.
Maybe it's the fact that I'm a senior
or that I think I have a perfect demeanor.
And if in the future I find
that you were right and I was blind,
I will surely apologize
and look into your black eyes
even if I fear them
but I know that I'll never need the Pythagorean Theorem.