Marked by shades
Marked by shades
Chained by judgment
Being blinded by false imagery
Colors of white to dark
Long plagued our kind
Yet we conjured with hope
Rafting the dirt
Only to save a few among the many
But a voice calls out
Not one of sight
Instead, one of wisdom
Equality, light, dreams
Bringing a spark
A flame to pass on
Throughout the lands
Our homes of home
The world we all reside in
Once a great demon had stood
Keeping us separated
But we broke the bond of evil
A time ago, but it still lives
Out across the many miles
Where we cannot see
Places that still stand
Marked by shades of deception
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The shade of my skin, yet the glispe of scars that remind me what use to be. A sight I once could see, but is covered by trees and forge anew. Yet harsh words remind me that the scars are still real and that they were meant to kill. In the eyes of deception and the man stands tall above me, he stands tall to slay me. Curled in a ball as I took my last beaten, and I heard a yell, stop! A call from my mother, screaming for my freedom.
I just did a little free writing off of your topic, something u might enjoy. Yet this couldn't have happened if you didn't write this, something great in you; it's just waiting to be let out.