I'm scared of the manipulator
I'm scared of the puppeteer
I'm scared of the demon
I am so scared of you
From the second I saw you
I knew
I knew your tricks
I knew how you operated
I knew everything about you
I know what you do
I know why you do it
I know that you really do care
I know you
I know you are a demon
I know you prey on the weak
I know you draw everyone tightly in
I know
I look in the mirror
It scares me, seeing my reflection
I stare at the puppeteer
It’s me
I’m the thief
I’m the liar
I’m the manipulator
I’m the fraud
I’m the demon
I’m everything
What am I going to do about it?
I look at my phone
It looks daunting
It knows me too
It knows countless conversations
It knows my victim antics
I know
I know I'm scared
I know I have to come forward
I know I can't do this alone
I'm scared
I'm scared as I open my phone
I'm scared as I pull up the dial pad
I'm scared as I dial the number
I'm scared as I listen to the dial tone
I hear the other end pick up
I hear the receptionist's cheery voice
I hear the words fall out of my mouth
"I need help"