The Making of Me
I am from the elderly:
The young, embodied in old.
Oil paintings, nickels, toothpicks,
Soup-ified meals, straws, and distant looks.
I am from memories.
I am from plum trees
From Indians, from hammocks.
From fences too tall to see over
Surrounding the plot of green grass
Outlining Iokua and I’s past
I am from boxes, stacked high in the house
From tape stretched taut
I am from empty houses, from
Fill-them-up houses
From rooms within rooms – and windows.
I am from flour hanging in the air
From heat circling the furnace, flames, fire.
I am from dogs underfoot,
from kittens on laps.
I am from warmth and books and writing.
I am from wind and grass
Graceful trees, full and bare
From birds and worms,
I am from rain.
From sun in the sky, dressed provocatively, darkly, in clouds.
I am from bark and from bite,
Boomer Hyjinx, Buck Magoo, Shelby Jackson.
–One sand-paper nose, and clacking claws on bamboo floors
–Two wet noses and wet tongues.
I am from twelve legs of energy,
From licks and kisses. From love.
I am from family.
Four legs and two legs.
Blood and heart.
Secrets and memories.
Laughter and tears.
I am from family.