Make A Stand And Break Away
Tear all those barriers down
What are you left with?
Would anyone have a clue?
Is there any substance behind the facade?
Would anyone know that it’s even you?
It’s all too common to become a product
A product of society's assembly line
But to embrace your individuality
And to strip of your tendency to hold back
Would empower you to own your unique mentality
You’ll be called improper
You’ll appear unconventional
Because everyone is forced to think the same way
But do you have the audacity to make a stand?
Do you have the courage to break away?
Now is your chance to think for yourself
Gather all the information and formulate an opinion
A powerful person isn’t someone who will just conform
But someone who takes their future in their own hands
Embraces life instead of choosing to be fake and perform
When all that’s holding you back is ripped away
When you take that first step out from your comfort zone
It won’t be immediate success and maybe not bliss
It’s a struggle to break such a mold
But guaranteed, you’ll be left like this