Make It to See The Next Day
You can put pipes to a crack rock.
But can't put a rock on her finger.
You had time to hold a glock
but you forgot to think of
The consequences evil.
Because when the bullet leaves barrel
it spins in rotation like a matrix.
before it pierces the
body and the lives of families forever.
Many close their mouths
and become mute like like walls.
But the walls never lied
so the silence of the city tells all.
Voices of ignorance preach stop
snitching while the innocent fall.
And even if the person
that left us is gone.
They will always be known
for the things that they did wrong.
While the aggressor is content
with their decisions and move on.
Something's going on.
This thing is all wrong.
When we stop living in a fantasy
and march on?
Hold each others hands
instead of cutting one another's arms.
Speak life to these young cats
and hoodrats that have no clue.
There's no valid explanation
for the evil that women and men do
.We ridicule but forget
it could have been us too.
Beware of who you give your trust to.
Because a coward will always feel
he must prove.
That he is "strong"
and he will shoot.
We underdmind these
misconstrued minds.
And hold vigils hoping
we can go back in time .
when all the drama was
standing right before our eyes
bold and underlined.
And if we continue to burry
our children due
to these violent crimes.
then we too may
lose our natural minds.
The bible questions
what is faith without works?
You feel that we need change
but think it will never work.
Stop standing in a stagnant position
and move your foot foward first.
I cannot promise that you heart
will be at ease after today.
I lost an uncle to the streets
so I can relate.
We have one thing in common.
We're trying to make it
to see the next day.