I look at into the mirror
At my clean face,
Preparing to paint on the
Exterior what everyone expects to see.
I start with my skin;
The record of my aging.
I take my foundation and
Create the tanned porcelain
That I wish was mine on its own.
I cover the dark circles under my eyes
So my lack of sleep goes undetected-
I don’t like answering questions.
I blush my cheeks to create the
Illusion of life that is meant to be
Burning bright within me.
Next, I add eyeliner to make my eyes
Seem bigger, more curious, to
mask the cynic behind my light irises.
Finally, I lengthen my lashes and add
Color to my pale lips.
I look in the mirror again
And see the person that
I have always wanted to be,
Staring back at me.