Lukewarm Avidity
Calloused hands
Strings of Gold
In three bands
(or so I’m told)
Jet Black Studs
Turquoise Hair
With heat, my face floods
As I catch his stare
What about me
Warrants this?
Bursting with glee
Epitome of bliss
I open my mouth
To say something devout-
Ly profound
But all that tumbles out
Are you from around
I would’ve remembered
My heart, you’ve dismembered
My knees are shaking
In my boots I'm quaking
I just want to sink
Into a neon pink
Vat of goo
Because that’s what you’ve reduced me to
I guess we’ll always have
Two parts of a whole, a half
Of that pick
I’m getting sick
Because of your taste
In music (my face?)
I’m just gonna assume
You want me
In your room
Because that’s where we met
Hear the “you, ready set”
And we’ll just listen
To him, maybe tears will glisten
As we hear his prose,
You’re reaching into your guitar case- a rose?
For me?
Yes, you’re the only flower that I see
It is your soul that sets my music free
Well aren't you poetic
You sure do match the aesthetic
Of a hardcore punk rocker
Well isn't this a shocker
While your muses scream
You absolutely beam
While your hands are hard and rough
Your heart and smile’s soft as fluff
I think we’re thinking the exact same thing
As our voices blend in harmony, in unison we sing
Why don’t we do this again soon?
We will meet again under the glow of the moon