Loving Back
I tell my therapist I think I am incapable of love
At least not with someone who will love me back
And maybe I learned it from my mother
Or the father who couldn’t love me even if he wanted to
And I don’t blame you
Or any of them
I fell in love for the first time with my best friend
Ginger hair, dangerous smile, and hands that I could not stop imagining on mine.
But he never saw me for who I was
Never gave me the chance to show him
The closer I got the farther he ran
And now he is just a memory.
The second time I fell in love was the lifeguard at camp
The first time a kiss actually gave me butterflies
And let me tell you
That shit was scary
And I would have done so many more scary things if he had asked me to
Because those blue eyes were magic
And that laugh was a spell
And when he broke my heart
Every moment was a curse
So the last time I fell in love was with a ghost
A man who didn’t know who he was and wasn’t ready for anyone to tell him
A man who slept with me if only to stay warm
But I wasn’t enough for winter.
You see every man I have ever loved could not convince their hearts to love me in return
And how could I blame them?
I couldn’t even convince my own
And I cannot fathom how any heart could love
without convincing.
So I am trying to convince myself that someone can love me
With no catch
And no consequence
And no ulterior motives
But I can’t
And my therapist says we need to work on it
But can’t she see
I’m trying