Love Is Not Just A Word
You love me, you love me not
the blooming rose may never rot
You always stayed at my side
Down the fainty rode of my ride
Through the dark clouds, comes your light
I always wanted you in my sight
As you bestowed upon me your trust
And promised to love me til we the dust
Even though we have not always greatly communicate
Our hearts stay connected through fate
In our relationship, one has to give and take
But my feelings for you will never shake
Through all of my misdeeds, you forgave but did not forget
And for those actions, I will always apologize and regret
As I did not hold my words true
But I always did kept one saying for you:
Me as your companion will always understand
That your love is worth over a grand
As your shine is great as the heavenly gates
It make me elate to be your soulmate
Me leaving your side is a never
As I love you always and forever