Love Is Love
Love is Love,
No matter the skin color.
Love is Love,
No matter the shape.
Love is Love,
No matter the sex.
So who are you to tell me what shouldnt be?
Who are you to tell me who loves me?
Beat Me, Bruise Me, Scorn Me with your words of spite
But at the end of the day I still like what I like.
Love has no eyes, Love is Blind.
Love reveals all lies, Love is Mind.
Love is a feeling, Not a lifestyle.
You can change who or what you love,
Therefore love is versatile.
Love can be so strong its impeccable.
Love can be so weak its despicable.
But yet love is love, judge me not, for you are not superior no more than I.
An eye for an eye, A heart for a heart
Our love may have left but my love won't depart.
Love is blood, for it runs through all veins
So don't tell me whats right and wrong to love,
Cause if that was the case love wouldn't exist.
If love wasn't so misunderstood and judged,
it wouldn't be fading away in the abyss.
Don't pay attention to what I just kissed,
Cause love could be passing by YOU.....You Just Missed.
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great perspective on your view of love
love have no barriers
love is when one accepts for all w/o passing judgement
great poem-keep writing
Love is Love
I'll give that to you
But its more than a feeling
Its a bond between two
Impeccable, despicable
Neither is real
Only the unbreakable
Together a couple who are perfectly sealed
Love who you want
I really don't care,
But never say love
Is just a feeling two share
Love is for real,
It's never a game
Once you've truly loved once
You're never the same
So go forth and love
Be you gay, straight or bi,
Don't infatuate, thats a feeling
Love like you're about to die.
I love this! Great poem
You go honey!!! Love it!
That was lovely.
This is really great, keep it up!
Malia Gross
Great love it a lot