love is her m.o.
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I couldn't say it any better, it's always a pleasure to read your work and relate to it so well.
I think maybe i might be that girl or maybe not I i protect myself so much that i block myself from the world and hold in all my every emotions which only break me down.pushing away all my happiness that I once had .I don't know what's wrong with me and when i read the ending what am i running away from ?? I have solutions to everyone else problems excepte myself .
This poem really makes me think about myself
Thank you so very much you give amazing advice it really helps me continue to live my life .You are so right because when i run away from something good i always regret it .Definiely will check out more of your poetry and i will be adding some new poem to my account so don't forget to go check it out
thank you MVP the words you say really impact my life
"She doesn't know real love is when skin savors bones" Absolutely beautiful.