Love and Regret
I will never regret you, but I regret the choice I made
I've done alI can do to forget you and let the memories fade
I reminded myself of what I deserve and what I recieved
The yelling, lack of trust, pleas made that neither of us ever believed
My pillow caught the tears that you never cared to acknowledge
For a while I had a fear of being alone but it's brought me strength and knowledge
In case you ever wonder, I'm doing great that's not something I'm just saying
I finally have time for me, when it comes to "love" I'm perfectly content with waiting
I got my true smile back my flame is once again ignited
They ask if there will be redemption but I'm not that far sighted
But I don't hate you, never have, and never will
I still put aside the line of guys auditioning to make me happy like it's a position to fill
Not because of you, I do it for myself
Never will I ever choose another that's bad for my mental health
I'm on the rim of falling into my prime
The last thing I need is a repeat of someone wasting my time