Love In Agony
Of all the words I could speak,
None of them could satisfy my heart,
My toung can not tell it what it is feeling,
Only my heart knows that,
Even as a lady,
I giggle at your words,
The laughs paint a picture
Of the consequences
If I was too close,
Too close,
Too far in,
Too into this,
This emotion I don’t know,
I can’t read your poker face,
Maybe I’m wearing one too.
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Your poem is astonishing, especially when arriving to the last two lines about the "poker faces". Can a love be true or are people always unlucky to keep getting into scuffles of lust? "Love in Agony" is captivating int its rhythm and repetition that emphasizes how one yearns to discover true love and escape the current lusting in his/her life. Great work!