You laugh and dance
even if there's no music
as there's music on your soul.
You dream and wish upon the stars
even when others don't.
You do not give up on yourself
even when you are alone,
as love overflows your spirit.
You never change who you are
as long as it makes you feel content
and your joy kisses your beautiful heart.
You savor each day completely
as if it was the last,
as if it tasted like chocolate.
You love yourself completely
even when no one sees you,
as you need only your acceptance.
You shine as bright as the sun
even when it's dark,
as darkness helps you
remember you're light.
You accept your flaws
and let go of the past,
as you know regret is pointless.
You learn from mistakes
and move on with a lighter step.
You smile to yourself
standing in front of a mirror,
as you see who you are
and cherish it.
You bring your arms around yourself
and whisper sweet things
as tears fall from your eyes
dampening your lashes.
I love you, I Iove you.
Oh, how your soul has waited
to hear those words from your lips.
You feel peace
there is a distinct new emotion
of belonging.
Now you have remembered
you are love itself
in it's original form.