Lost in a sea
Lost in my sea of thoughts both good and bad
mind cracking ready to break
am i mentally insane no i just have a issues lots of them but my mind is an ocean that anyone can
get lost in a sea of unholy thoughts as one would say
me a person that wishes death maybe thats why i love icp so much
i may be alive but barely
im only here for the ones that love me
looking in the past smiling at good times but i wish for my mind to break
be free from all these thoughts that bring tears to my eyes
stuck in the past lost in my future crying tears that shouldn't be shead
Thinking things that shouldn't be falling into the sea and letting myself sink
looking at the last of the shine before a sea of black takes me
opening my cold dead eyes i see hands pulling me looking down i see people pushing me
out of this sea
making me strong giving me strength to be me telling me that whenever you fall to the sea
we will be here to pull you out keeping and watching you grow traveling in the sea together
thank you guys for helping me be me