The Lost Mermaid
My feet sink into the sand like I’m suppressing my old hopes and dreams
I’m trying, don’t they get that?
Every little detail in my life is a learning experience
heartache, tears, happiness, laughter, anger
They push and shove
They take and they take
“Who are you?”
I don’t know
“Who do you want to be?”
Someone better than the person I was yesterday
Because I’m choking on old memories
I want nothing more than to stop living in the past
Tell me, why is the ocean my only escape?
Why I am so drawn to something so dark, menacing and powerful?
The answer is easy
I want to be that.
The ocean lives inside of me
I scream out depth while choking on seaweed
The feeling of my fingernails collecting sand and pieces of the beach haunt me in my sleep
The ocean is what I strive to be
and I am that
I am dark
I am menacing
And I am powerful
“Who are you?”
I am the waves
The waves crash into my lungs
Suddenly I’m drowning in my tomorrow, and I’m tasting my fears
I swallow them like I’m proud to acknowledge such insecurity
And I am
“Who do you want to be?”
I want to be the horizon line--far off into the distance;
the line where beauty meets catastrophe
My soul balances in between those two significant worlds
That is my light and that is my dark
That is me
Because the ocean was and will always be meant for me
The taste of salt water lingers on my lips as sea foam plays with my hair
I take line after line of ocean air, because sea is my favorite high
The crabs that pinch the tips of my toes
and crawl into my heart like to play with my sentiment
They know ocean is my favorite dwelling
I am home
They will not take this away from me
They will not push
They will not shove
They will not ever experience anything I feel,
or anything I see
Because I am the ocean
I am dark
I am menacing
I am powerful
I am tragedy